Getting Started

Inkcentricity  »  Getting Started

Sometimes the design process can seem a little complex, or even daunting. It isn’t really, especially since I’m willing to do all the work. In order to make the process smoother for everyone, here are some things to consider. This is information I’ll need, so having it ready will help get your design completed more quickly. If you don’t know how to answer any of these, I can still help you.

Feel free to pick and choose from any of the items below:

Do you have an idea of what you are looking for? Maybe you have a rough sketch or a completed design you want put on a business card. If you know what you’re looking for, that will help with the final look. If you don’t, that isn’t a problem. I just want to make sure to get the design to match anything you already have in mind.

What look are you going for? What will work for one business won’t always work for another one. Even if two businesses offer the same goods or services, the people who run them are different. You want your customers to think of you when they see the design. Also, you want to consider if you want something flashy and eye-catching or subtle and subdued.

What is your budget? I try to work with all budgets, but I will need to know what range you are wanting to stay is so I don’t offer the wrong options.

Again, if you are unsure about any of these, go ahead and ask, I will help you get what fits you.

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