My Work

Inkcentricity  »  My Work

On this page, you can see some designs I have already done. This is not all of them, but a selection that shows the possibilities. There is a mix of actual work done for clients and concepts for clients that weren’t used. Sometimes, there is an idea that comes up that is ahead of its time, so I go ahead and make it to have for later. In the Just for Fun, there are designs that I did for no particular reason.

If you click on an image, a larger version will pop up so that you can see a better view of the design.

Print Design

Digital Design

Just for Fun


Butler Auctioneers, LLC
Meade County History Museum
Salem Association of Baptists
Blue River Island Baptist Church
Phillips Sanitation
Bliss Family Heirloom Tomatoes

and, of course, this one.

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